Q: Why shouldn’t I buy my eye wear over the internet?

A: Fitting eyewear is a customized process that is unique for each individual. In order to find frames that compliment your look, our eyewear specialists will personally guide you through the frame fitting process. We have you try on a variety of different frame styles, in order to properly evaluate the entire fit and feel of the frames. In addition, we take customized eyewear measurements that take into account the precise placement of the frames on your face. This must be done in order to properly align your prescription in your lenses, ensuring that your vision is sharp and clear. When you order glasses from online, they are not able to take these custom measurements, which may result in distorted vision and uncomfortable or poor-fitting frames.

Q: Are disposable contact lenses good for my eyes?

A: Daily disposable contacts reduce the likelihood of getting infections from the transfer of bacteria, so they are the safest and healthiest contact lens for your eyes.

Q: Will my insurance plan cover my new glasses?

A: The majority of vision plans will provide an allowance towards frames and you may still have copays or cost sharing for the lenses.

Q: What does the diagnosis of AMD mean exactly?

A: Age related macular degeneration is the degeneration of the macula, which is the part of the retina responsible for the sharp, central vision needed to read or drive. Because the macula is the primary area affected in AMD, central vision loss may occur.

Q: Can I swim with contacts in?

A: No, you should not swim in your contacts. There a lot of bad bacteria in the water, including Pseudomonas. If you swim in your contacts, you may get a bacterial infection in your eyes. Pseudomonas can cause major corneal damage within 24 hours.

Q: Can I sleep with my contacts? How often should I be changing them?

A: You should never sleep in your contact lenses. Sleeping in contacts increases your risk of getting corneal ulcers and infections, which are very sight threatening and extremely painful. Patients should always follow the timeline recommended by their optometrist when changing out their contacts. Keeping contacts for longer than recommended will also result in infections and ulcers.

Q: Do you carry contacts that can change my eye color?

A: Yes, Air Optix Colorblends provide exceptional comfort and vision, and they come in a variety of color options.

Q: Is wearing contacts better for sports activity?

A: Yes, contacts provide a wider field of view when playing sports, thus preventing avoidable injuries. Prescription sports goggles work well, but when you are actively sweating, your goggles may fog up and start to move around or slip. For these reasons, I typically recommend contacts for my active patients.

Q: Are glasses better for my eyes than contact lenses?

A: Glasses are better for your eyes than contacts. When you wear glasses instead of contacts,  you do not have a foreign material resting on your eyes.  However, with advancements in technology, contact lens materials have become very healthy, and newer contact lens materials pose little risk to the health of your eyes.

Q. Can kids wear contact lenses?

  A. In most cases, kids ages 10 and up are good candidates for contact lenses. By this time in their life, they are usually able to take on more responsibility, and they have better dexterity. Ultimately, parents need to inform the doctor if they feel their child is able to care for contacts appropriately, because contact lenses can cause irreversible harm to the eyes if they are not properly cared for.

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